"The best time for new beginnings is now."
- Anonymous
Hello friends, I'm Manda. Welcome to "A Creative Life" blog!
(A very procrastinated CLB)
Blogging is something I have always been curious about. It's also something that others have suggested for me to start over the years. Yet, the thought of really starting a blog has been so freaking intimidating! The anxiety of what to share, wondering if people will like what I share, the thoughts of the pressure to keep up with new posts have all been on my mind for the past....eh....two (well, maybe five-ish) years. So here I am, Fall 2021, starting this purposefully procrastinated task! Taking a risk & making a commitment to start something new. So why start this fall?
The fall season has become one of my favorites. For me, it's a time of new beginnings. I tend to celebrate it like my unofficial "new year". For my entire life, ever since grade school, fall has symbolized a new beginning. A new school year, a new teacher, new school clothes, & new school supplies. Oh how I love new school supplies! After receiving a studio art degree & a second degree in secondary education (Art Education) with a concentration in painting, the idea of fall as my "new year" continued as I began teaching art in the public school system. Every fall brought a new grade book, new school clothes, new students, new art lessons & new art supplies! In the Fall of 2008, I resigned from teaching public school art & opened my own private art studio, Urbana Art & Soul. After 13 years of Art & Soul Studio being open, I still find myself celebrating my Fall New Year. We start a new session of art groups, a reflection/celebration of summer art program success, an order of new art supplies & back-to-school for my own three kiddos.
It only seemed appropriate to start "A Creative Life" Blog in the Fall. A new beginning for my creative journey & hopefully a new beginning for YOUR creative journey with me. My life has been infused with creativity! Creativity is what keeps me motivated to learn & grow. It makes me happy & whole. It eases my stressful days & it fills my heart to share it with others. Creativity is in ALL aspects of my life. It's how I show my love, my appreciation, my style & well if I'm being honest...it's how I make my money. This blog is my way of sharing my creative life with you! Sharing how creativity can be part of YOUR life. I plan to share simple ways to be creative in all aspects of your life. I'm not just talking about drawing/painting & making crafts (there will be some of that too), but easy ways on how you can be creative in your home, your gifts, with your children/grandchildren/friends & in your day-to-day tasks/routines/chores.
Some people, like me, find creativity to come naturally. Others find it intimidating & totally foreign. I think that creativity is for everyone. You heard me....EVERYONE. All ages, all people, all personalities. If you think you don't have an ounce of creativity in you, you haven't taken the time or the risk to explore it. Doing creative things can be relaxing, rewarding & fun! Let me show you how:)
Join me on my creative journey & start your own! I let my guard down & hushed those damn voices of insecurity in my own head on writing & starting this blog.....now you can do the same! Let's connect & share through creativity. I hope to inspire you in all aspects of your life to add a little bit of creativity to find your spark....maybe even start a whole freakin' fire!
Subscribe to "A Creative Life" blog if you want to join me! Not interested? No worries....I'll be creative for you & share in other ways. More exciting news on that to come in November! Lots of risk-taking going on this fall! Can't wait to share "A Creative Life" with you!